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Monday, August 20, 2018

Donald Trump: "He Speaks Perfect English."

Seriously, who introduces a Mexican-American to a crowd of fellow Mexican-American's, most of which are border patrol agents and says "he speaks perfect English?"

I gasped when I heard Donald Trump make this statement, yet most of the crowd laughed.  Not sure why they laughed, and I gasped in embarrassment for the man.

I just don't get it.  Americans are just accepting rudeness like it was another day.

I do know that Donald Trump's wife Melania, does NOT speak perfect English.  And one thing for sure, when she speaks nothing come from her heart, she just reads the written words.  

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Does It Take A Low-Life To Know A Low-Life?

August 13, 2018

Actually no, it doesn't.  What it actually is, is covering your ass.

Today's hot news is about Omarosa and her new book "Unhinged" and the fact that she recorded General John Kelly's form of firing Omarosa "allegedly" because she abused the in-house car service.

With all the wrongdoings going on in the White House, certainly, John Kelly seems to turn a blind eye for a long time before he manages to get "get the job done."

Was it wrong for Omarosa to record John Kelly in the White House situation room, probably, however, if anyone knows how dirty Donald Trump could get, it's pretty clear it was the right thing for Omarosa to do for herself.

And she also recorded Donald Trump.  Like I mentioned, she knows Donald Trump very well.

I actually have to agree with Omarosa (listening to her on "Live with Velshi and Ruhle") that the Donald Trump she knew back in 2003 is not the Donald Trump she knows today.  This is so, so very true.

Here is the typical Donald Trump, let's retaliate against what is being stated. Although, on the tape, she recorded Donald Trump clearly stated his admiration and disappointment that John Kelly fired Omarosa.  Of course, Trump probably knew that John Kelly was firing Omarosa at that time.

In the above tweet, Donald Trump refers to the fact that Omarosa got fired 3 times on the Apprentice.  Now, let's take a moment and think about that a little.  Omarosa was fired 3 times.  Why the fuck did Donald Trump HIRE Omarosa 3 more times after the initial firing on the Apprentice?  If anyone is STUPID here, it is Donald Trump for hiring Omarosa two more times for the Apprentice, then let her work on his campaign and went right into the West Wing to work under the wings of Donald Trump.

Donald Trump claims General Kelly stated that Omarosa is a "loser."  I highly doubt Kelly even used the word loser as this is Donald Trump's "go-to-word." 

I am NOT a fan of Omarosa, however, I am in total agreement with the recordings.  As this day (August 13, 2018) progresses, Trump has already called Omarosa stupid, clearly, Omarosa is NOT STUPID.

Apparently, the White House is holding onto 7 boxes of Omarosa's personal belongings and won't release them unless she signs the agreement with the campaign.  Now I'm not sure if that agreement is part of this narrative.
There is also talk about the fact that she was offered $15,000 per month to, in a roundabout way to be quiet, IMO.

The more I think of what has been spoken out of the mouths of the Trump Administration staff, it is very clear, they all signed a very, very detailed, non-disclosure agreement. No wonder, not one bad thing ever came out of their mouths about Donald Trump.  Kinda reminds me of Vladamir Putin, not one bad thing ever came out of Donald Trump's mouth about Vladamir Putin.

August 14, 2018
I'm just blown away this morning reading Donald Trump's tweets about Omarosa.  The man that sits in the Oval Office who makes decisions for the United States Of America called a woman a "dog."

Now add in that the woman is a black woman, who is known and worked for Donald Trump for 13 - 15 years, is called a dog.  Add this to yesterday's low-life, stupid, and today dog.  You get "low-life stupid dog."

Donald Trump claims he would never use the terrible and disgusting word "nigger."  I'm not sure who Donald Trump is trying to convince he would never say the N word, when Trump easily could demean women in so many different forms of where he can grab their pussy, claiming a woman would do anything for his support or calling women pigs, Pochohantes, stupid, low-life, low IQs and so much more.  Yes, Donald Trump used the N-word.

I might as well add in a statement from Lynne Patterson regarding Omarosa.

Now Lynne Patton is well known for her comment about what black woman would call "my sister". 

Lynne Patton was a former wedding planner for Eric Trump's wedding and NOW she is part of HUD.  Did you say WTF?  I certainly did!  Patton has NO EXPERIENCE with anything to do with housing, except perhaps renting an apartment.  Patton is in this position as I guess she did a great job in planning Eric Trump's wedding.  Note: Donald Trump owns properties that receive federal rental subsidies from HUD.  (Sure makes me think that having Patton in this position, a loyal employee, things could be hidden regarding what is happening under HUD. 

Patton also struggles or struggled with substance abuse and addiction.  I sure hope Patton has to take a random drug test. 

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

I'm Done With Morning Joe?

Joe Scarborough and Mike Brzezinski, on a lot of occasions, are no better than Donald J. Trump.  Rosie O'Donnell was on MSNBC with Ari Melber and she spoke her truth about how she felt about Donald Trump and touched a little on what happened to her with Donald Trump from 10+ years ago and her treatment by Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski over the years.

Rosie was polite, shared her feelings and was so concerned about the country and where it was headed.

Should the above video disappear from YouTube, just do a Google of Rosie O'Donnell on Ari Melber's show aka The Beat.
Rosie had her thoughts about what happened to World Trade Center building 7 on September 11, 2001.  So many people had thoughts about what happened to World Trade Center building 7, HOWEVER, for Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski to even put Rosie O'Donnell in the same sentence as Alex Jones is plain ludacris.

Back when Morning Joe first started, I tried to make it my "go to" morning show, however, I just couldn't handle their bull shit.  I stayed with The Today Show as I have been watching The Today Show nearly from the onset.

At some point back in 2015, I decided to see what was happening on "Morning Joe", and noticed a bit of a change and started to watch them before The Today Show came on, as I was getting really tired of what I was seeing on The Today Show.  I ended recording The Today Show and started watching Morning Joe.

Then a big switch happened on December 8, 2015, you could see their best buddy Donald Trump is truly screwed up, and this is when the marriage between Donald Trump and Mika and Joe ENDED. 

December 8, 2015

Today, August 7, 2018, I again decided to stop watching "Morning Joe" as I'm just done.  You would think that Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski would say something positive about Rosie O'Donnell's interview with Ari, however, they chose to find a way to make Rosie on the same level as Alex Jones.  

When Joe and Mika came back from the break, in my opinion, Mika and Joe look embarrassed.  Perhaps they were reading on Twitter et al the disgust from viewers of how they compared Rosie to Alex Jones. I can say, I'm done with them, just done.

Mika and Joe, like Donald Trump, will NEVER, EVER apologize.  

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Donald Trump Claims He Wasn't Late For His Visit With Queen Elizabeth. REALLY?

Okay, let me get this out of the way quick, "he is a fucking liar."

Seriously, he must be clueless to think that there weren't cameras set up where the visit with the Queen wasn't going to be captured.

I sat in my living room, watching the Queen come out and walk over to the covered area so that she could meet Donald Trump and his wife.

I've watched many of these greetings, and have never seen the Queen have to wait but a minute or two before her guest arrived.

At one point, after a lengthy wait, you could see the Queen look at her watch.

I recall thinking, my goodness, it is hot outside, the royal guard is dressed in the heavy uniforms, with the tall hat as everyone stands in the sun waiting for Donald Trump.

Donald Trump is never on time.  He prefers to make a grand entrance, and on the day for Trump to meet the Queen, he let a 92-year-old woman standing and waiting for him to show up.

It saddens me to think that Trump's base believes every word that Trump spews as a majority of them believes he is telling them the truth.  Hopefully, his base was watching the meeting between Queen Elizabeth and Donald Trump and make the decision of who was actually late for the meeting and who was looking at their watch waiting for Trump to arrive.

Saturday, August 4, 2018

Don Lemon: "Who's The Real Dummy."

There just seems to be not one single day where Donald Trump just can't control himself.  It's actually exhausting to see what comes from his fingertips or his mouth.

This morning, Saturday, August 4, 2018, I turn on the news and they are talking about Donald Trump's tweet insulting LeBron James.  Now I know who LeBron is, however, I am not a basketball fan, so I don't follow news about Lebron,

However, I listened to LeBron's interview and was so elated that LeBron started a school "Promise School" for underprivileged children and stipulated that, if the children graduated, they would be able to go to college at no cost to them.  

I thought, why would Donald Trump be pissed over LeBron starting a school.  So I listened to the interview and heard some negative things about Donald Trump, however, nothing that hasn't already been stated about Trump.

Okay, I have no clue who Mike is, but after some searching, it appears that Donald Trump likes Michael Jordan better than LeBron James.  

Don Lemon Interviews LeBron James

Now, listen to Donald Trump describe Great Britain and decide who is really stupid.

Now mind you, Donald Trump has stated over and over again, he does NOT listen to CNN, however, it appears that while he is alone in his bedroom in the White House, he does some channel surfing, unless of course, he has numerous televisions to be able to see who is saying what about him.

Word has it that Donald Trump has a rally in Columbus, Ohio (126 miles from Akron) tonight Saturday, August 4, 2018.  From what I understand, Ohio loves LeBron James.

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

First Child Held Under Trump's Policy Has Died

The other day, Donald J. Trump had stated that if anyone in Russia was responsible for the hacking in the USA election that President Vladamir Putin would be responsible, just like I (Donald Trump) would be responsible for any actions under Trump administration would be responsible.

Well, now we have a child, a little girl, toddler age died after being released from the Dilley Detention Center in Texas on July 31, 2018.

I was so afraid this would happen.  Thousands of children ripped from their parents and sent to detention centers or flown in the middle of the night to various states across the country as far as New York.

I watched the hearing the other say where the border patrol was there, ICE, DOJ, and a couple of other people, whose positions I have forgotten.

It was interesting to listening to them tell when Trump signed the zero tolerance order that started immediately, there was no plan for the children.  They spoke about the"alien number" the adults received and the "alien number" the children received.  The question came up about where do you put the alien number on a toddler or baby and there was no answer.  Just that there is a system, where we match the child with the number.

One of the Senators mentioned Chuckie Cheese where the parents and the children have armbands to match them up before they leave the restaurant.  However, ICE, Homeland Security or HSS have a system to match parents with their children in a simple form.

My heart goes out to the family of this precious little girl who died.  I do hope there are people who will help the parents during their grieving and that the family received help from an attorney to MAKE Donald J. Trump et al responsible for this child's death.

As of August 1, 2018, there has been no mention of this little girls death from the White House.

Tampa, Florida Rally - July 31, 2018

August 1, 2018

I received a phone call the other day and my caller ID showed Donald J. Trump.  For the life of me, I had no clue what this phone call would be about.  So, I decided to let it go to the voicemail, and sure enough, it was Eric Trump's wife calling to invite me (and others) to the rally in Tampa, Florida on Monday, July 31, 2018.  I thought "fuck no", and didn't have to think hard about where they got the phone numbers as Florida publishes voter choice and information online.  Since I am an Independent, I guess they thought it was worth the phone call to me.

I didn't watch the rally, however, on Twitter, there were snippets of what was happening prior to the man in the Oval office appears on stage. There were so many people publicly verbally and physically with hand gestures abused Jim Acosta as he stood on a platform reporting to CNN camera tidbits of what was currently happening.

This woman gives an interview to a reporter saying she doesn't like Jim Ac, looks like she either could say Jim's last name correctly as she stopped midstream.  She claims Jim is a weasel and unprofessional.  So, a weasel, not the animal kind, but the weasel term of someone trying to "deceive" someone is what she is calling Jim.  Now I'm sure she doesn't think Donald J. Trump is a weasel as he deceives the American people in a very, very cunning way.

This woman was also at the inauguration and she has seen with her own eyes how many people were there.  I'm sure Jim wasn't talking about the people at the inauguration, but there is a good chance Donald Trump is STILL talking about the inauguration.   I won't even go into the crowd size as there are pictures taken at the exact time from a previous inauguration, and as they say  "a picture is worth a thousand words."

As the Tampa elite stood on the floor, many giving the media a finger and many giving both middle fingers as the camera captures their faces.  Some realize that they are being filmed and quickly get out of site, some use their hat to cover the side view of their face, so their family, friends, and neighbors didn't see them looking like fools on TV.

Click on link:

From the young .......

to the old and 

in between.

Seriously, how pathetic can people be, berating the reporters because they report the news?  Exactly what is so fake about what the reporters are reporting.  I watch the news, I watched many of the rallies, I listened to Trump at press conferences, at the NATO summit, G7 summit, North Korean summit, Helsinki summit, lawn pool questions, press briefings and for the life of me, when the reporters report, they report what Trump is saying.

Although most of what Donald Trump is saying has to be "fact-checked" and trust me when Trump says something, that doesn't ring true in my ears, I search for the answer, and 9 out of 10 times, Trump is lying.

Trump standing on stage in front of the Florida residents telling them "it's time for voter ID."  Didn't anyone tell Donald Trump, that Florida has voter ID, for many, many years?  The video snippet of Trump standing there, so proud to say, "it's time for voter ID" and the Florida residents cheering him on.  It's like, give me a fucking break, doesn't this man know we already have voter ID?

Then Trump tells his "faithful followers" you know like you need ID when you buy groceries. I have never, ever, ever needed ID to buy groceries, unless back in the olden days, before debit cards, if I wrote a check to pay for my groceries, I would have to produce my driver's license. Now in this era of the 21st century, you could write a check and the cashier swipes your check and it automatically takes the money out of your checking account and most stores actually give you your check back. The stores will ask for ID when purchasing beer, alcohol, and in some cases for cigarettes.

Now back to one of the snippets I watched from the rally.  When was the last time you heard any President, of any era or county, nearly two years in, where he is still saying to his wife, "Can you believe it, I am the President?"

I highly recommend to ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, and any other network to NOT attend the rallies.  Take yourself out of the spotlight, and let FOX cover the rallies.  The networks could watch the stream and then report on what they are hearing.  This is a very simple resolution to the horrific treatment the journalists are receiving from Trump's base.

Think about it for a minute, when you take the attention away from the attention seeker, you hurt his ego.  As long as you are there, you keep stroking his ego.

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

So Tired Of Hearing About 33,000 Emails.

July 31, 2018
I’m not sure why the 33,000 emails seem to be such sore subject.  During the time-frame that the former Secretary of State was serving the United States of America, the former Secretary of State was also a mother, planning a wedding, and also being a private person.  So 33,000 emails over 4 years equals 8,250 emails a year, or 687.50 a month, or 158.65 a week or 22.60 emails a day.
I don’t know about you, but I sure as heck receive at least 20 emails a day.  Of course, most of them are advertisements like for Wal-Mart, Best Buy or any other store that I have ordered from online.
I’ve planned a wedding back in the late 90’s, and I had loads of emails back and forth between my son and his future wife.  Seriously you could have hundred emails just getting the right color for the tablecloths, never mind the seating arrangements.
Speaking of seating arrangements, can you imagine the size of the guest list for the former Secretary of State family and friends?  And of course, the former Secretary of State wasn’t sitting in an office, with her feet propped up.  Most of the time, the former Secretary of State was on a plane, in a hotel, in a foreign country corresponding by email.
Now the current individual sitting in the Oval office doesn’t use email, so it’s clear, there is not a good understanding regarding the amount of emails an average individual receives on a daily basis.  (Maybe we can exchange emails for tweets and never-ending rallies, or golf.)
Of course, we all delete emails.  Heck I just deleted 99 emails just from today, and I’m just an old lady sitting on my sofa typing about 33,000 emails.  I don’t know how to bleach out or whatever was done to the former Secretary of State’s emails, but they are gone.  Do I really care, nope, don’t care what was in the emails.
Oh, I recognize that many feel there is a hidden conspiracy about all these emails, however, looking at the way things are going, it’s pretty clear, the former Secretary of State was not colluding with Russia.
I personally don’t care about the 33,000 emails from the former Secretary of State.  IF there was some sleazy, undermining deal with any country, for sure we would have heard about it now, considering the individual sitting in the Oval office is undoing nearly everything that has happened from the prior administration
Sadly, we will be hearing about 33,000 emails forever.  It will never, ever, ever go away.

NOTE: Around 18,000 of the 33,000 emails were recovered by FBI, IIRC.