July 31, 2018
I’m not sure why the 33,000 emails seem to be such sore subject. During the time-frame that the former Secretary of State was serving the United States of America, the former Secretary of State was also a mother, planning a wedding, and also being a private person. So 33,000 emails over 4 years equals 8,250 emails a year, or 687.50 a month, or 158.65 a week or 22.60 emails a day.
I don’t know about you, but I sure as heck receive at least 20 emails a day. Of course, most of them are advertisements like for Wal-Mart, Best Buy or any other store that I have ordered from online.
I’ve planned a wedding back in the late 90’s, and I had loads of emails back and forth between my son and his future wife. Seriously you could have hundred emails just getting the right color for the tablecloths, never mind the seating arrangements.
Speaking of seating arrangements, can you imagine the size of the guest list for the former Secretary of State family and friends? And of course, the former Secretary of State wasn’t sitting in an office, with her feet propped up. Most of the time, the former Secretary of State was on a plane, in a hotel, in a foreign country corresponding by email.
Now the current individual sitting in the Oval office doesn’t use email, so it’s clear, there is not a good understanding regarding the amount of emails an average individual receives on a daily basis. (Maybe we can exchange emails for tweets and never-ending rallies, or golf.)
Of course, we all delete emails. Heck I just deleted 99 emails just from today, and I’m just an old lady sitting on my sofa typing about 33,000 emails. I don’t know how to bleach out or whatever was done to the former Secretary of State’s emails, but they are gone. Do I really care, nope, don’t care what was in the emails.
Oh, I recognize that many feel there is a hidden conspiracy about all these emails, however, looking at the way things are going, it’s pretty clear, the former Secretary of State was not colluding with Russia.
I personally don’t care about the 33,000 emails from the former Secretary of State. IF there was some sleazy, undermining deal with any country, for sure we would have heard about it now, considering the individual sitting in the Oval office is undoing nearly everything that has happened from the prior administration
Sadly, we will be hearing about 33,000 emails forever. It will never, ever, ever go away.
NOTE: Around 18,000 of the 33,000 emails were recovered by FBI, IIRC.