George Zimmerman Trial - Jury Question #1
George Zimmerman Trial - Juror Question #2
George Zimmerman Trial - Jury Question #2 - Answer
George Zimmerman Trial - VERDICT
Raw: Prosecutors react to Zimmerman verdict
Raw: Trayvon Martin family attorney speaks after verdict
Raw: Defense attorney Mark O'Mara press conference
Raw: Mark O'Mara on "Central Florida Spotlight"
My thoughts:
As I listen to Pierre Thomas on Good Morning America, still pushing that Trayvon Martin was profiled and the fact that mothers are telling their black teenagers not to walk into a store with their hands in their pockets and wear hoodies. Really Pierre, is that is what black parents are telling their children. First of all, the hoodie has nothing at all to do with what happened to Trayvon or the fact he was even at the store. George did not profile Trayvon. What he saw was a teenager, acting strange, in the rain, moving here, there and everywhere. He called the non emergency number to let them handle the situation.
The key to this case, and it will always be the key to this case, is the fact that Trayvon came up on George Zimmerman, words were exchanged, and then Trayvon punched George in the face and knocking him to the ground, getting on top of George, beating his head into the cement, and end result, George shot Trayvon.
Do I wish it could have gone another way? You bet I do, and I have stated from the beginning when all the 911 calls were released to the public, with all the people NOT wanting to help the person screaming. All they wanted to do was not get involved, they wanted to hide, instead of going out and doing something. Yes, some people did go out, but told them to stop, then left them there and went into the house to call 911.
People want to refer to Trayvon as a child. I'll give them the child factor, however, there is a child who smokes marijuana, buys and sells guns, gets into fights, and lost one fight, yet boasted about winning the other two fights, and we have a child who wanted to find a gun once he arrived in Sanford.
You better believe, if Trayvon was packing a gun, Trayvon would have had that gun in his hands when he confronted George Zimmerman. Teenagers have no "life-filter", they do things without ever thinking the consequences of life. They do things just for the hell of it, just to see how it feel to do it.
On Saturday, as the jurors were deliberating, people were gathering outside the courthouse. Many adults not even capable of controlling their own emotions, and then on top of it, bring their children, who clearly do not even understand what actually happened. Although, my thoughts are the parents were telling their children a black child was killed because he had a fruit drink and skittles. That would sure as hell leave a lasting impression inside a child's mind. Heck, it would add fear into their lives.
Parents should read the tweets their children are tweeting, when you have a 15 year old that wants to kill George Zimmerman, or a 16 year old that want to commit a "mass" homicide if George is found not guilty. This is the youth of today folks, call them a child if you want, but you better bet that if the youth of today wants something from you, regardless of their color, they are going to get it, and not give a rat's ass either.
My frustrations continue to stream out of my pores this morning over the hatred of the six woman on the jury. I really had to sit on my hands Saturday night, because I knew if I didn't I would have started my own Twitter riot.
People tweeting Florida can't get it right. I find that statement to be the most ignorant statement ever made. Living in Florida has nothing at all to do with how verdicts are rendered.
I was even surprised that white women were so critical of white women on the jury. I can understand black women, and black men, going off the deep end as I wouldn't expect anything less, but for six white woman, one of which, has 8 children, clearly knows what teenagers are capable of doing.
There was a tweet from a black woman who stated: "I bet those white woman hold onto their purses when they see a black person coming close to them, maybe even crossing the street." Really, is that what you think white women do when we see a black person coming close to us? This is the ignorance of the people today.
The worst tweet of all coming from a black woman who states: "the jurors are "white" racist cowards." I took that thought to bed with me, and struggled with those words all night long. Who the hell thinks like that in this world? Really, really, ignorant, stupid people think this way.
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