I am not exactly sure how I first heard about Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman. Living in Florida, it could have come across Bay News 9, or perhaps on HLN. What I initially recall is the first photo that I saw of Trayvon, of which, appeared to be a very young, small in built 17 year old.
Very quickly, I started to see this movement across the land to bring focus to Trayvon and the Hoodie march. I thought, this case is going to be tried in the public before all the facts have come forth.
At one point, a new photo of Trayvon came on my TV screen and I thought, wow, this is not the small built, young face of Trayvon splashed earlier across the world when this shooting first happened.
Even though I had heard brief reports of the shooting, I wanted to stay as neutral as I could, and wait for more accurate information. Although trying to get unbiased, accurate information from the media went out the door after the Kennedy Assassination.
I did take the time to listen to George Zimmerman’s non emergency call to the police, and carefully listened to what he had stated. Although the worldwide web dissected George’s words in some many different formats of what they heard compared to what he actually stated.
I also listened to all the 911 calls, including the call where we can hear the screaming as well as the gunshot.
My initial reaction to all the 911 calls is that these people were so close to what was happening and why didn’t anyone go outside to help?
As time went on, it came to light that George Zimmerman was on his back, and Trayvon Martin was on top of George. Could this have been the reason that the people in the neighborhood didn’t want to get involved because it is a black man beating up another individual?
In my opinion, the person screaming was George Zimmerman, as he was on the bottom, with Trayvon on top of him. We have heard endlessly that Trayvon was only 17, but Trayvon was nearly his full potential in height and a good weight size even at 17.
When I viewed the video of Trayvon in the store purchasing the drink and candy, it was very clear to me that Trayvon was not this little 17 year old that I saw in the initial photo, but a Trayvon grown and could be seen from a distance as an adult.
What we do know is George Zimmerman did shoot Trayvon Martin one time. We know that George did have severe injuries to the back of his head and a broken nose. If George didn’t shoot Trayvon, perhaps George would have died from being beaten by Trayvon. If someone keeps pounding your head into the ground, severe brain injury could happen, or perhaps blows to the face could also cause severe injury maybe even death.
Let’s say it was George that died at the hands of 17 year old Trayvon Martin. Let’s keep the facts that we know still in place with George calling the non emergency number to report a suspicious person. We know for sure 17 year old Trayvon would be in jail on murder charges for beating up George and causing his death.
Perhaps the hoodie march would still have gone on, and all the media interviews with Trayvon’s parents, however, would the world still see it the same way?
We do know that George was following Trayvon as this is on the tape. What I do not know is if George was heading back to his car and Trayvon came on to George and confronted him at this point and started a fight or if George was still following Trayvon and Trayvon came onto George at this point.
I have not watched any news coverage or read any documents or news articles of what George had stated to the police. I had decided not to watch anything more regarding this case so my thoughts remained neutral.
Way too many TV stations and online social media has convicted George and I just wanted to stay neutral and wait for the trial. I have heard some tidbits about lying about money and stuff. However, I am not interested in the side shows as this has nothing to do with what happened between George and Trayvon.
Recently I became aware of witnesses that heard George Zimmerman screams for help and seen George on the bottom with Trayvon on top. If there are witnesses that viewed and heard firsthand the screams of George, this is very-telling.
I did take the opportunity and watch the Frye hearings over the last few days and actually tweeted my thoughts on what the experts were stating.
One thing for sure, it was Dr. French from the UK that simplified it in a nutshell. You can’t make a voice comparison when someone is screaming.
We all know that the world will turn completly upside down should George Zimmerman be found “not guilty” of second degree murder.
I will publicly state this to the George Zimmerman jurors: “Do not let what happened to the Casey Anthony jurors backlash as well as the Jodi Arias jurors who voted for Life scare you into making the wrong decision so that you do not have to endure what your jury predecessors faced.”
All that I want from the George Zimmerman jurors is to look at the evidence without a bias bone in their bodies and render their decision based on the facts. This is all that I want to see happen.
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