Jury selection picked up pace on Tuesday, June 11, 2013, with potential
jurors B7, B35, B37, B51, B55, B2 (excused), B65, B86, E6, E40, E54 as well as
one other potential juror, no number publicly announced in court. This potential
juror spoke to the judge and lawyers and was excused.
Two potential jurors stood out in the Twitter world, B35 is a black male with a 21 year old child and a middle aged black female B65.
B35 seemed to be neutral with regard to what happened, and didn't feel that the shooting was racially targeted. As B35 continued to answer the lawyer's question, it started to look like B35 was the perfect juror for this trial.
When you have a potential juror that is "too good to be true," especially a potential juror who is black in a very high profile case where many people feel was racially motivated, you have to take a step back and really listen.
B35 seems to be the perfect juror as he would represent the community as he is black, and the Martin family wants jurors to represent the community. I have to take the Martin families word "represent the community" as some white and some black on the jury.
Since I am viewing the George Zimmerman Trial as an in-home juror who is neutral, and have taken no sides, it is very clear to me, many of the Twitter Trayvon Martin supporters were not happy with B35.
I really think that some feel that since B35 is black and in the community, he clearly should have had an opinion that George Zimmerman is guilty and he killed a "little child." I use "little child" because that is how Trayvon was being represented in the early days after the shooting.
I really wanted B35 to be part of the jury, but as time went on I ended up classifying him as a Stealth Juror.
B65 doesn't have the Internet, Cable, reads no newspapers, goes to church and lives a very simple life. B65 has heard about the George Zimmerman case through Church and has formed no opinion. In my opinion, she would be the perfect juror to represent the community.
B7, male, white, was very concerned about his name coming out publicly, and he should be concerned because some of the Twitter world is already gearing up should the verdict not be in their favor.
B51, female, white, perhaps middle-aged, seemed to say often "he didn't wait" when the dispatcher told George Zimmerman not to follow Trayvon. It was very clear to me that she didn't remember the non emergency communication.
B55 an Asian female seemed clueless, and E6 female, white, was very nervous. I don't feel either of these potential jurors will be selected. Personally, I don't feel they could handle the pressure of this trial as the protesters start hanging out at the courthouse.
E54, male, white did follow more regarding George Zimmerman not being arrested after the shooting, he has seen photos of George Zimmerman's nose and back of head. He was aware of the protest to have George Zimmerman arrested and he followed it up to George Zimmerman's arrest and second-degree murder charge.
A majority of the potential jurors over the last two days have seen some coverage of what happened between George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin. Some heard more than others, and some watched early coverage and never followed anymore coverage.
The Twitter world needs to realize that people even within the Sanford community do not follow when there is a shooting in their community. They can hear about it and move on in life.
Also, not everyone in Sanford or across the land watches HLN or wants to even listen to other TV Show commentators or TV Lawyers and listen to their speculation of what happened between George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin.
When commentator's speculation is constantly hitting the public in the face, we tend to remember the speculation and forget the facts of the case.
Jury Selection
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Two potential jurors stood out in the Twitter world, B35 is a black male with a 21 year old child and a middle aged black female B65.
B35 seemed to be neutral with regard to what happened, and didn't feel that the shooting was racially targeted. As B35 continued to answer the lawyer's question, it started to look like B35 was the perfect juror for this trial.
When you have a potential juror that is "too good to be true," especially a potential juror who is black in a very high profile case where many people feel was racially motivated, you have to take a step back and really listen.
B35 seems to be the perfect juror as he would represent the community as he is black, and the Martin family wants jurors to represent the community. I have to take the Martin families word "represent the community" as some white and some black on the jury.
Since I am viewing the George Zimmerman Trial as an in-home juror who is neutral, and have taken no sides, it is very clear to me, many of the Twitter Trayvon Martin supporters were not happy with B35.
I really think that some feel that since B35 is black and in the community, he clearly should have had an opinion that George Zimmerman is guilty and he killed a "little child." I use "little child" because that is how Trayvon was being represented in the early days after the shooting.
I really wanted B35 to be part of the jury, but as time went on I ended up classifying him as a Stealth Juror.
B65 doesn't have the Internet, Cable, reads no newspapers, goes to church and lives a very simple life. B65 has heard about the George Zimmerman case through Church and has formed no opinion. In my opinion, she would be the perfect juror to represent the community.
B7, male, white, was very concerned about his name coming out publicly, and he should be concerned because some of the Twitter world is already gearing up should the verdict not be in their favor.
B51, female, white, perhaps middle-aged, seemed to say often "he didn't wait" when the dispatcher told George Zimmerman not to follow Trayvon. It was very clear to me that she didn't remember the non emergency communication.
B55 an Asian female seemed clueless, and E6 female, white, was very nervous. I don't feel either of these potential jurors will be selected. Personally, I don't feel they could handle the pressure of this trial as the protesters start hanging out at the courthouse.
E54, male, white did follow more regarding George Zimmerman not being arrested after the shooting, he has seen photos of George Zimmerman's nose and back of head. He was aware of the protest to have George Zimmerman arrested and he followed it up to George Zimmerman's arrest and second-degree murder charge.
A majority of the potential jurors over the last two days have seen some coverage of what happened between George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin. Some heard more than others, and some watched early coverage and never followed anymore coverage.
The Twitter world needs to realize that people even within the Sanford community do not follow when there is a shooting in their community. They can hear about it and move on in life.
Also, not everyone in Sanford or across the land watches HLN or wants to even listen to other TV Show commentators or TV Lawyers and listen to their speculation of what happened between George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin.
When commentator's speculation is constantly hitting the public in the face, we tend to remember the speculation and forget the facts of the case.
Jury Selection
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
B65 would be a NIGHTMARE juror. No internet, cable?? She's only getting one side of the story. Trust me, I live here. If she heard about it in CHURCH, it's an all-black church that is on the march for justice for Trayvon! That means her friends, family, neighbors, etc., are all pro-Trayvon, too, and quite vigilant about it. And that's ALL she hears and probably has already justified in her mind is the correct opinion. This means she has a good chance of already being prejudiced ONE WAY, without any knowledge of Trayvon's "bad" side "suspensions, drugs, theivery, etc., and probably his true age!). She has no idea that the Skittles bags the blacks were pinning to their clothing for weeks were truly representing part of Trayvon's drug cocktail that he never got to drink! This juror is NOT the perfect juror. If you lived here, you'd know that there are NO BLACKS in this community that say Zimmerman is possibly correct in his actions -- unless you count the ones that are LYING (like this one).
ReplyDeleteB65 has been released due to hardship on Thursday, 6/13/13.
DeleteI do live in Florida.