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Friday, June 14, 2013

George Zimmerman Trial - June 14, 2012

Potential jurors questioned today are: G29, G47, G63, G66, G81, G87, H6

Potential Juror G29 being questioned:

Potential Juror G47 being questioned: juror G-47.flv&vtitle=Zimmerman%20trial%2C%20Juror%20G-47%20questioning

Potential Juror  G63 being questioned: juror G-63.flv&vtitle=Zimmerman%20trial%2C%20Juror%20G-63%20questioning

Potential Juror G66 being questioned: juror G-66.flv&vtitle=Zimmerman%20trial%2C%20Juror%20G-66%20interview

Potential juror G81 being questioned: juror G-81.flv&vtitle=Zimmerman%20trial%2C%20Juror%20G-81%20questioning

Potential Juror G87 being questioned:

Although G87 would have made a good juror, once it came out that she saw the buses coming to the memorial and that she worked at the school across from the memorial, she was going to be dismissed.  What really ticked me off was Tony Pipitone, WKMG-TV Investigative Reporter.

While G87 was on the stand and mentioned the school, Tony tweets the name of the school.  Really Tony, we all know that the potential jurors were to remain anonymous, and I would believe this would include where they are employed.

The media has been getting a bad rap througout the jury selection and clearly the media doesn't really care. juror B-87.flv&vtitle=Zimmerman%20trial%2C%20Juror%20G-87%20questioning

Potential Juror H6 being questioned: juror H-6.flv&vtitle=Zimmerman%20trial%2C%20Juror%20H-6%20questioning

Most surprising turn-of-events today, was dismissed potential juror "E7" showing up at the courthouse and ending near where the potential jurors were located. 

Here is the article:

Video of dismissed Juror E7 being escorted from the court.

The following potential Jurors questioned from Monday, June 10, through Thursday 13, 2013 will be returning to court on Tuesday, June 18, 2013 at 9:00 AM: B35, B29, B12, B76, B51, B7, B37, B86, B55, E6, E40, E54, E73, M75, B61, B72, E22, E13, E28, K80, K95, P67, G14

14 - White females
 3 - Black females
 1 - Asian female
 3 - White males
 1 - Black male
 1 - Hispanic male

Potential jurors questioned today and will be returning on Tuesday, June 18, 2013 at 9:00 AM are: G29, G47, G63, G66, G81, H6

Potential juror G87 was dismissed as she work at the school right across from the memorial. With the information known where G87 worked, it was better that G87 be dismissed. G87 would have made a good juror.

Potential jurors NOT questioned and will be returning on Monday, June 17, 2013 at 9:00 AM are:
H7, H10, H13, H18, H27, H29, H31, H69, H81, H86, I15, I14, I19, I24, I33, I42, I44, I46, I49, I54, I64, I65, I66, I68, I76, I79

George Zimmerman Attorney Speaks After Jury Selection

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