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Thursday, June 13, 2013

George Zimmerman Trial - June 13, 2013

I need to post George Zimmerman's non emergency phone call to the police so it can be listened to again.  So many of the potential jurors heard things that actually were never stated. 

Police never told George Zimmerman NOT to get out of the car.  Some of the potential jurors feel that when police told George not to follow Trayvon, that George continued to follow Trayvon.  If you listen to the tape, when the police asked George if he was following Trayvon, George stated yes, and the police told George "we do not need you to do that."  George then says OK, and then you can clearly here that George is not walking at a fast pace, but walking normally and talking to the dispatcher.  George at that point could not see Trayvon. 
Today ten more potential jurors were questioned. E50, E75, E81, K80, K95, N18, B34, B67, P67, G14.
E50, male, white, in his early sixties and originally from West Virginia. He lost an adult child about five years ago, of which, apparently suffered from schizophrenia.  He has an adult daughter and her four year old child living with him. 
E50, felt if this was a white on white, or black on black crime, the crowds would probably not even happen.
E50 takes his grandchild to school and/or summer camp and E50's wife picks the child up.  E50 feels that it would be difficult being on the jury as he has the responsibility of his grandchild.  Although his daughter is not working and might have a job on Monday, most is left up to E50.
However, E50 indicates being on the jury would mess up his golf game.  My thoughts about E50, if something ever happened to you, your family would have to find a way to get the grandchild to school or summer camp.  Think about it!
E75, male, white and a recent High School graduate.  E75 is at least eighteen years of age.  E75 is eighteen and not a child as he can serve on a jury and Trayvon was seventeen and classified as a "little child."  Although there is one year difference between E75 and Trayvon, it is very clear age seventeen is not a "little child."
Always keep in mind, a seventeen year old can join the military and fight for our country. 
E75 gave the courtroom a very good insight on how teenagers perceived the shooting.  E75 appears to be very level-headed and would make a very good juror for this trial.
E81, female, white and in her thirties according to the media in the courtroom.  E81 feels George Zimmerman is innocent. E 81 looked right at George Zimmerman when she said he should go home.
E81 feels people have the right to defend themselves and carry a firearm as long as it is legal and lawful.
E-81 stated: "If a boy is smoking pot, interested in guns, learning to fight, going down wrong path, he is looking for reason to fight."
E81 has seen photos of George's injuries, knows about Trayvon and the marijuana, street fighting and the gun shown in the photos from Trayvon's cellphone.
E81 gave the state a run for their money.  E81 knows how she feels, and won't let one additional word be added to what she alone has stated.
E81 is married to an ex-police officer, and prefers not to be separated from him by being sequestered.  E81 prefers to sleep in her own bed.
E81 did feel that she will have a "bullseye" on her back should she be selected to be a juror.  I am not surprised by her feelings as Orange County, Florida is still healing from the Casey Anthony trial.
There was a lot of discussion at the side bar once questioning was over, and it will be very interesting to see if E81 makes it to the next round and eventually on the jury.
N18, male, middle-aged Hispanic.  N18 feels George Zimmerman is guilty.  N18 only reads the Bible and follows God's law.  N18 states if you kill someone you are guilty.  N18 feels his head is "out of balance, can't sleep and gets up at 2:00 AM prays on his knees. 
B67, female, Hispanic and according to the media young.  B67 claims she never heard of Trayvon Martin or George Zimmerman.  Claims she didn't understand the jury questionnaire and claimed hardship.  B67 was dismissed.
P67, male, Hispanic and a Mexican immigrant from Chicago.  P67 posted on Facebook about receiving his jury summons.  No one in his family has served or received a summons to serve on a jury.
P67 want to be on the jury to serve as a US citizen.  It is very clear that P67 first language is Spanish, and as long as time is taken to explain things to P67, he clearly understands his duty as a juror.  My only concern with P67, is that the state talks fast, witnesses maybe to technical, and P67 might not be able to comprehend it all. 
G14, female, white and middle-aged according to the media. G14 did check the Internet to see what trials were scheduled for Monday, June 10, 2013.
G14 has heard about the shooting on TV news, photos of George's injuries, 911 calls.  G14 hasn't picked a side and felt the protesters prompted discussions that didn't need to happen. 
G14 claims she heard that George was told not to follow Trayvon but he did anyway!  G14 still would make a good juror and will learn the facts of the case at that time.
No decision had been made regarding sequestration before the potential jurors were questioned starting Monday.  However, at 1:00 PM today, the Judge informed the attorney's that the jury will be sequestered and the trial should last between two to four weeks.
Just before the court ended for the day, B65, black female from Wednesday, who lives a simple life, came into court to tell the court that her employer would not pay her for the entire sequestration.  B65 was dismissed.

Jury Selection
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18

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