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Saturday, June 29, 2013

Trayvon Martin Saying: "Why Are You Following Me?"

I have listen to Rachael Jeantel saying she heard Trayvon ask George "why are you following me", and listen to George saying Trayvon basically saying the same thing.

Now, the way I see it, Trayvon surprised George from coming out of hiding.  I've thought about this over and over again, and I'll relate to it based on what happens to me from time to time.

I go outside to the backyard, and I could see at least six of the backyards of my neighbors to the right, left and behind me.  I can see no one is outside, so I do what I need to do, then all of a sudden one of my neighbor's says "hello" to me.  My back is to the neighbor, and I knew he wasn't outside when I went out, but in an instant, he makes the first statement.

He is confronting me with: "hello."  My response always , well first I jump a little in my skin and then I say: "you scared me, as I didn't see you". 

When someone says the first word, they see you before you see them especially if you are out there and no one is there.

Of course, if you are walking in a store, and you are walking towards someone face to face, it's obvious either you smile and they smile, or one says hello and then the other responds.

So far, nothing that has come out of the trial to tell me that George continued to follow Trayvon once he was told by the dispatcher "we don't need you to do this" with George agreeing. George could no longer see Trayvon per his conversation with the dispatcher, yet Trayvon is telling Rachel "he is getting closer."

I can understand that no one wants to have Trayvon be the aggressor when it comes to the initial confrontation with "why are you following me", but it is what it is.


  1. You do realize that there is a gap of almost two minutes between the time Zimmerman hangs up with NEN (at 7:13:41) and the first 911 call from Jenna Lauer that occurs at precisely 7:16:11. Zimmerman was told not to pursue 2 minutes before NEN call ended (7:11:59). If he had indeed turned back to go to his truck he would have made it back safely even before the NEN call ended. He was still looking even after the OP told him we don't need you to do that because he tells the OP "Yea he ran" at the 7:12:11 mark. Zimmerman had ample time to get back to his truck and to safety. Phone record support that Rachel was on the phone Trayvon until 7:16 PM and the gun is fired at the 7:16:55 mark. Trayvon's phone fell 40 ft away from the T which would be impossible if he attacked George at the top of the "T" as he has claimed. There was definitely and argument between these two before any punches were thrown. I firmly believe that George attempted to detain Trayvon since he knew police were on the way & Trayvon resisted and tried to get away from him.

  2. If Trayvon wanted to get away from George, he would have stayed hidden. Remember Trayvon was telling Rachael he could see George and George is telling NEN that he can't see Trayvon.

    Why the heck would Trayvon come out from hiding, confront George and then punch George in the face? George went down on his butt for sure with that punch. If Trayvon wanted to run, he would have run right after he punched George in the face.

    George is basically a "wimp" type of guy and not wanting to confront based on his previous 911 calls.

    There is nothing indicating George was attempting to detain Trayvon until the cops came before the shot. Nothing at all.
