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Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Does It Take A Low-Life To Know A Low-Life?

August 13, 2018

Actually no, it doesn't.  What it actually is, is covering your ass.

Today's hot news is about Omarosa and her new book "Unhinged" and the fact that she recorded General John Kelly's form of firing Omarosa "allegedly" because she abused the in-house car service.

With all the wrongdoings going on in the White House, certainly, John Kelly seems to turn a blind eye for a long time before he manages to get "get the job done."

Was it wrong for Omarosa to record John Kelly in the White House situation room, probably, however, if anyone knows how dirty Donald Trump could get, it's pretty clear it was the right thing for Omarosa to do for herself.

And she also recorded Donald Trump.  Like I mentioned, she knows Donald Trump very well.

I actually have to agree with Omarosa (listening to her on "Live with Velshi and Ruhle") that the Donald Trump she knew back in 2003 is not the Donald Trump she knows today.  This is so, so very true.

Here is the typical Donald Trump, let's retaliate against what is being stated. Although, on the tape, she recorded Donald Trump clearly stated his admiration and disappointment that John Kelly fired Omarosa.  Of course, Trump probably knew that John Kelly was firing Omarosa at that time.

In the above tweet, Donald Trump refers to the fact that Omarosa got fired 3 times on the Apprentice.  Now, let's take a moment and think about that a little.  Omarosa was fired 3 times.  Why the fuck did Donald Trump HIRE Omarosa 3 more times after the initial firing on the Apprentice?  If anyone is STUPID here, it is Donald Trump for hiring Omarosa two more times for the Apprentice, then let her work on his campaign and went right into the West Wing to work under the wings of Donald Trump.

Donald Trump claims General Kelly stated that Omarosa is a "loser."  I highly doubt Kelly even used the word loser as this is Donald Trump's "go-to-word." 

I am NOT a fan of Omarosa, however, I am in total agreement with the recordings.  As this day (August 13, 2018) progresses, Trump has already called Omarosa stupid, clearly, Omarosa is NOT STUPID.

Apparently, the White House is holding onto 7 boxes of Omarosa's personal belongings and won't release them unless she signs the agreement with the campaign.  Now I'm not sure if that agreement is part of this narrative.
There is also talk about the fact that she was offered $15,000 per month to, in a roundabout way to be quiet, IMO.

The more I think of what has been spoken out of the mouths of the Trump Administration staff, it is very clear, they all signed a very, very detailed, non-disclosure agreement. No wonder, not one bad thing ever came out of their mouths about Donald Trump.  Kinda reminds me of Vladamir Putin, not one bad thing ever came out of Donald Trump's mouth about Vladamir Putin.

August 14, 2018
I'm just blown away this morning reading Donald Trump's tweets about Omarosa.  The man that sits in the Oval Office who makes decisions for the United States Of America called a woman a "dog."

Now add in that the woman is a black woman, who is known and worked for Donald Trump for 13 - 15 years, is called a dog.  Add this to yesterday's low-life, stupid, and today dog.  You get "low-life stupid dog."

Donald Trump claims he would never use the terrible and disgusting word "nigger."  I'm not sure who Donald Trump is trying to convince he would never say the N word, when Trump easily could demean women in so many different forms of where he can grab their pussy, claiming a woman would do anything for his support or calling women pigs, Pochohantes, stupid, low-life, low IQs and so much more.  Yes, Donald Trump used the N-word.

I might as well add in a statement from Lynne Patterson regarding Omarosa.

Now Lynne Patton is well known for her comment about what black woman would call "my sister". 

Lynne Patton was a former wedding planner for Eric Trump's wedding and NOW she is part of HUD.  Did you say WTF?  I certainly did!  Patton has NO EXPERIENCE with anything to do with housing, except perhaps renting an apartment.  Patton is in this position as I guess she did a great job in planning Eric Trump's wedding.  Note: Donald Trump owns properties that receive federal rental subsidies from HUD.  (Sure makes me think that having Patton in this position, a loyal employee, things could be hidden regarding what is happening under HUD. 

Patton also struggles or struggled with substance abuse and addiction.  I sure hope Patton has to take a random drug test. 

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