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Sunday, August 5, 2018

Donald Trump Claims He Wasn't Late For His Visit With Queen Elizabeth. REALLY?

Okay, let me get this out of the way quick, "he is a fucking liar."

Seriously, he must be clueless to think that there weren't cameras set up where the visit with the Queen wasn't going to be captured.

I sat in my living room, watching the Queen come out and walk over to the covered area so that she could meet Donald Trump and his wife.

I've watched many of these greetings, and have never seen the Queen have to wait but a minute or two before her guest arrived.

At one point, after a lengthy wait, you could see the Queen look at her watch.

I recall thinking, my goodness, it is hot outside, the royal guard is dressed in the heavy uniforms, with the tall hat as everyone stands in the sun waiting for Donald Trump.

Donald Trump is never on time.  He prefers to make a grand entrance, and on the day for Trump to meet the Queen, he let a 92-year-old woman standing and waiting for him to show up.

It saddens me to think that Trump's base believes every word that Trump spews as a majority of them believes he is telling them the truth.  Hopefully, his base was watching the meeting between Queen Elizabeth and Donald Trump and make the decision of who was actually late for the meeting and who was looking at their watch waiting for Trump to arrive.

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